Throughout this year’s events we’ve presented a huge range of whiskies from around the world, and each has provoked a reaction from you when you’ve experienced it. That might have been delight, or indifference or a desire to stop drinking it. And then we’ve told you the price of the bottle and some of you might have gone immediately online to buy one, popped down to the Wine Merchant’s to exercise your member’s discount, or sat there in shock at how much someone expects you to pay for what you’ve just tried.
Well, with tasting we’re taking a slightly different approach to the line up. It’s not a regional theme, or a flavour theme, but a economic theme. The opposite of our Premium tasting, we’ll be enjoying some whisky bargains, with the ticket price reduction to match.
Our aim is to prove that you don’t have to spend a fortune to enjoy a dram!
Venue: Lee Hall, Wolfson College, CB3 9BB
Date: Friday 17/6/22 @ 8pm – 11pm
Important Information
Everyone should still be cautious about COVID-19. Please follow any guidelines in place at the venue at the time of the event.
Refund requests will be considered on a case by case basis and are not guaranteed.
Buying your ticket early helps us plan for the right numbers and reduces the chance of us having to cancel.
If we have to cancel, or reduce the scale of an event, due to ticket-sale forecasting, we may have to refund some or all tickets.