Freshers’ Event

Join us this Friday, 11th October from 8 p.m. until 11 p.m. for a special tasting for Freshers Week in the Parish Hall of Little St Mary’s Church (Trumpington St, Cambridge CB2 1QG). No need to book in advance – open house style event.

£8 entry on the door in exchange for 5 whisky tickets – each ticket gets you a dram of whisky.

Tour of Scotland

Friday, 18th October at 8.15 pm in the Hawks’ Club Dining Room (18 Portugal Pl, Cambridge CB5 8AF)

As most whisky originates from Scotland, we’ll start off by introducing the different whisky regions within Scotland, which each have a taste profile which tends to be distinctive to the region. This will be a great introduction to whisky, and Scotch, as the varied taste profiles will inform your palate of the wide variety of flavours which whisky affords.

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