Christmas 2021

I know it’s November, but we have to work with the calendar, so Christmas is coming early to our society! For us, that means a tasting that’s heavy on the sherry influence and winter editions, and some smoke from that warming fireside. We’ll also have some festive snacks to enjoy alongside the drams.
Join us to bring an incredible term of tastings to a close.

Venue: Little Saint Mary’s, CB2 1QG
Date: 26/11/21 @ 8pm – 11pm

Important Information
Everyone should still be cautious about COVID-19. Please follow any guidelines in place at the venue at the time of the event. These are most likely going to include wearing a mask when moving around the venue and being sensible with sanitiser, but they are subject to change.
Buying your ticket early not only ensures you have one but also helps us plan for the right numbers and reduces the chance of us having to cancel. We are trying to sell at increased capacity for this event which means we’ll need to buy more whisky. If we feel the number of tickets sales isn’t sufficient to do that we may have to refund some.

Independent Bottlers 2021

Already this year we’ve toured Scotland and the world, so what’s left? Well, so far all (except 1) of the whiskies we’ve chosen have been produced by a single distillery: they’ve prepared and distilled the spirit, aged it and bottled it. In this tasting we’re going to look at another side of the industry.

Independent companies that get involved with the production process can decide to try all sorts of things that a distillery may not want to at risk of damaging their brand or their bottom line. Some independents choose to keep the distillery source a secret, some have to, and some clearly label it. They’re free to use different casks, age for different durations in different locations, or maybe blend different things. The result is often an enjoyable variation on styles people are already familiar, but might not be able to get from the distillery themselves.

Venue: Little Saint Mary’s, CB2 1QG
Date: 12/11/21 @ 8pm – 11pm

Important Information
Everyone should still be cautious about COVID-19. Please follow any guidelines in place at the venue at the time of the event. These are most likely going to include wearing a mask when moving around the venue and being sensible with sanitiser, but they are subject to change.
Buying your ticket early not only ensures you have one but also helps us plan for the right numbers and reduces the chance of us having to cancel. We are trying to sell at increased capacity for this event which means we’ll need to buy more whisky. If we feel the number of tickets sales isn’t sufficient to do that we may have to refund some.

International Tasting 21/22

We started with an introduction to scotch, as it’s what most people think of when they talk about whisky. This tasting is going to feature whiskies from around the world though! There are many whisky producing countries that range from having massive industries like America, to smaller but still established producers like Japan, and countries where the practice is a bit more niche like Israel or Australia.

The aim will be to explore some of what’s on offer and hopefully see how some things change when you don’t have the Scotch Whisky Association breathing down your neck.

International Whisky 
Venue: Little Saint Mary’s, CB2 1QG
Date: 29/10/21 @ 8pm – 11pm

Important Information
Everyone should still be cautious about COVID-19. Please follow any guidelines in place at the venue at the time of the event. These are most likely going to include wearing a mask when moving around the venue and being sensible with sanitiser, but they are subject to change.
Buying your ticket early not only ensures you have one but also helps us plan for the right numbers and reduces the chance of us having to cancel. We are trying to sell at increased capacity for this event which means we’ll need to buy more whisky. If we feel the number of tickets sales isn’t sufficient to do that we may have to refund some.

In the event of a cancellation, refunds will be given.

Tour of Scotland 2021

Our tour of Scotland tasting is a tradition at this point. It’s a great way to start the year and make sure everyone is a bit more familiar with what scotch is all about. We provide 6 whiskies, one from each whisky-producing region of Scotland, and guide you through what that region and the whisky has to offer.

Those completely new to this world will definitely learn something, and those already familiar will get to try some new expressions (that’s what a specific variation of a whisky recipe is called).

Tour of Scotland
Venue: Little Saint Mary’s, CB2 1QG
Date: 15/10/21 @ 8pm – 11pm

Important Information
Everyone should still be cautious about COVID-19. Please follow any guidelines in place at the venue at the time of the event. These are most likely going to include wearing a mask when moving around the venue and being sensible with sanitiser, but they are subject to change.
Buying your ticket early not only ensures you have one but also helps us plan for the right numbers and reduces the chance of us having to cancel.
In the event of a cancellation, refunds will be given.

Premium Tasting 2021

Premium. Deluxe. Fancy. Prestigious. Luxury. Exclusive.
There will always be whisky that is deemed to be one of those words above. Maybe it’s a limited run, from a lost distillery, a big age statement, something experimental. And let’s face it, these things often come with a price tag that puts a lot of us off. For this tasting we’ll be paying a little more than normal for our tickets, but in return we’ll be able to sample 6 whiskies with an average price of around £120 a bottle, and we’ll top the samples up a little higher than normal.
Each bottle will be picked and presented by a committee member as something special or especially interesting to them. Virtually celebrate the end of a very strange academic with us in style!

Event date: Friday 18th June
Ticket sales closing: Friday 4th June

Price: £30 (Members £28)
Optional Zoom event & datasheet distributed after

Important Information:
You will be required to collect your sample kit from the Cambridge Wine Merchants on King’s Parade. We will use your email address, provided below, to let you know when they’re available for collection and provide you with the Zoom details.
Our virtual events can only go ahead if we know in good time how much whisky we need to buy, pour and pack ready for collection. Our aim is to sell enough tickets to cover two of each bottle. If we don’t sell enough tickets to cover our costs, some or all purchases may be refunded honouring a ‘first come’ tickets purchased system. Refunds will not otherwise be available after ticket sales close, or if you fail to collect your kit within a week of the sent notification.

Not Just Peat Tasting 2021

I could have called this an Islay tasting, but I didn’t want to discourage anyone. Most people expect earth and smoke from Islay whisky, but as with most characterisations there are exceptions. We definitely will have some peated drams, but we’ll also try some unpeated offerings from the Queen of the Hebrides.

Event Date: Friday 7th May
Ticket sales close: Wednesday 28th April
Optional Zoom event & whisky datasheet distributed after

Important Information:
You will be required to collect your sample kit from the Cambridge Wine Merchants on King’s Parade. We will use your email address, provided below, to let you know when they’re available for collection, and to provide you with the Zoom details.
Our virtual events can only go ahead if we know in good time how much whisky we need to buy, pour and pack ready for collection. We may have to cancel this tasting if we don’t sell enough tickets to cover our costs. Full refunds will be given in that case. Refunds will not otherwise be available after ticket sales close, or if you fail to collect your kit within a week of the sent notification.


Christmas Tasting 2020

Christmas Tasting
Christmas is often depicted as happening in front of roaring open fires, with tables pilled high, and with bellies full of treats. It is also a time for giving, and while we at CUWAS can’t give you everything, we can give you some whisky samples that ooze Christmas cakes and roaring peat fires.

Friday 4th December

This tasting is about whiskies that smell and taste like Christmas. Typically sherried, whether peated or not, they evoke memories of heavy fruit sponges and bring a warmth to your belly. A virtual gathering to bring us all together at the end of a term like no other, and a year like no other. Gather your friends, bring your ugly jumpers, share some mince pies, dried fruits or chocolate while we sample and discuss.

Ticket sales are open early as we are trying to cater to a bigger audience than we have done so far. Member discounts apply using the password you’ve been sent as the coupon code. Look for the little green tick before you click to buy.

Our virtual events can only go ahead if we know in good time how much whisky we need to buy, pour and deliver. If we don’t sell enough tickets to cover costs, refunds may be necessary for some or all purchases. We are limited to delivery within Cambridge. Ticket sales will close on Friday 20th November, two weeks before the event to give us preparation and distribution time. Please buy early to avoid disappointment. Once ticket sales have closed we won’t be able to offer refunds.

Our attendees are primarily students and we plan to use the university’s internal mailing system for distribution of the whisky samples where possible. If this system, or college access, becomes disrupted by developments with COVID, we may have to cancel and refund purchases.

It is essential that you provide us with as much delivery information as possible via the name and college text boxes above the PayPal button. You may arrange with a partner or friend if you don’t have college access yourself and you should use their name in the form if this is the case. If you have no access to a college pigeon-hole, we can arrange for hand delivery within Cambridge using your PayPal payment details. Please do contact us with queries and to confirm addresses/pigeonholes/details for delivery if you’re concerned!

Tour of Scotland

For our first virtual tasting EVER we’ll be taking you on a tour of Scotland from the comfort of your own home. Scotland is the biggest producer of whisky in the world and has a long history of making the spirit. Styles have evolved over hundreds of years to the point where today we have 6 regions of Scotland for us to explore. Your ticket purchase will include a tasting sample kit delivered to you (within Cambridge).

Friday 6th November @ 8 PM

 It would be impossible to cover all of the variations in one evening’s worth of samples, but our goal is to introduce to you what scotch whisky can offer. Don’t worry if you know it all already, we still have 6 whiskies for you to try, so you should be able to find something new. We’ll announce details of how to join the virtual event itself nearer to the time but we hope to emulate the social presentation-discussion style that we have at our in-person tastings.

Membership discounts and early access apply.


Our virtual events can only go ahead if we know in good time how much whisky we need to pour and deliver. If we don’t sell enough tickets we can’t go ahead with the event and all purchases will be refunded. We are limited to delivery within Cambridge. Ticket sales will close on Friday 23rd October, two weeks before the event to give us preparation and distribution time. Please buy early to avoid disappointment! Once ticket sales have closed we won’t be able to offer refunds.

We plan to primarily use the college pigeon-hole system for distribution of the whisky samples. Therefore, it is essential that, if you can, you provide us with a name and college in the text boxes above the PayPal button. This could be a partner or friend you’ve arranged with if you don’t have college access yourself. In cases where someone has no access to a college pigeon-hole, we can arrange for hand delivery within Cambridge using your PayPal payment details. Please do contact us with queries!


Squash Event

Back in Cambridge? Trapped in your college and feeling like your freshers experience just won’t be the same? Or yearning to sample some whisky with friends for any number of reasons?

Well fear not, our traditional freshers squash (an informal social event) is still happening… virtually! Slightly different to our normal tastings, this event is about trying something new socially and learning a bit about the society as well as it is about trying whisky.

Friday 16th October @ 8 PM

We are going to be delivering a small whisky sample pack to ticket holders and providing access to a voice, video and text platform so that attendees can talk to old and new friends and meet the committee while we all try the whisky. We’ll send out a link for the platform closer to the time as we’re finalising that plan.

So click the link and a buy ticket, get the academic year started with friends and whisky!

Our virtual events can only go ahead if we know in good time how much whisky we need to pour and deliver. If we don’t sell enough tickets we can’t go ahead with the event and all purchases will be refunded. We are limited to delivery within Cambridge. Ticket sales will close on Friday 9th October, one week before the event to give us preparation and distribution time. Please buy early to avoid disappointment! Once ticket sales have closed we won’t be able to offer refunds.

We plan to primarily use the college pigeon-hole system for distribution of the whisky samples. Therefore, it is essential that, if you can, you provide us with a name and college in the text boxes above the PayPal button. This could be a partner or friend you’ve arranged with if you don’t have college access yourself. In cases where someone has no access to a college pigeon-hole, we can arrange for hand delivery within Cambridge using your PayPal payment details. Please do contact us with queries!